5 Obstacles on Your Way to Illumination

Getting Started

Whether you’re many years on your evolutionary path or you just starting, there comes a time for everyone to hit some roadblock and obstacles on the way to become an outstanding version of yourself and the authentic expression of who you are.

After all, you need your life to become fulfilled and you have high expectations of yourself and your actions: manifest your true wishes, catch the opportunities life gives you, achieve results, climb to the top of inner experiences of awakening and "aha" moments, and connect to all your fellow human beings with ease and love. And you—you have to do it all too: be healthy and energetic, work and make financial profits necessary for your life, connect the dots in your mind and consciousness, test out so many explanations and teachings, and not spend a million dollars or hours getting from A to B to ...blastoff.

In this article, we’re going to walk you through the 5 proven obstacles that will help take you from ‘I need to evolve cause I am stuck and I don't know why’ to ‘my life's path does wonders for me right now!’

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1 – Losing Your Inner Drive

This is the most common obstacle people face on their path. One day they get tired. They lose their motivation to go on. Enthusiasm is gone. The desire to learn is gone too. The essential wish to make efforts on your path...jumped out of the window!

What is to be done?

I will not lie to you. Your initial motivation was from your Ego/Mind. This moment when the motivation is gone is CRUCIAL for your path. This is actually the moment to go deeper and enter your true essence, where you will discover new things. This can only happen when the mind gets tired. And why is this happening? Because the mind had its own agenda. The mind also was dreaming of some greatness achieved on this path. But it was Its own greatness for its own reasons. But the mind is not our authentic Self, and it's a quitter. So in one moment, the mind wants to give up. This is the moment for YOU to come on the Stage and take the wheels of your life's path. So please do not identify with your mind and emotions at this moment. The fact that you are losing the motivation is just the sign that you are getting ready for the true thing. of course, it will not be easy because after that motivation comes when we pass true and deep transformation, usually going through some "psychological death" experiences when some aspects of our FALSE SELF are dying out. When we come out of that rejuvenated, we feel the awesomeness of the true path and how extraordinary the real thing is. This will give you true motivation, and this will last for the rest of your life.

2 – The hierarchy of your needs

After you have developed your overall goals and a blueprint with steps on creating an evolutionary path for yourself, the next step is making sure that your actions follow your true needs. To do this, make sure your hierarchy of what is needed is clear.

Many times this becomes an obstacle that we can completely overlook. We may think that we are evolving but actually, we repeat the ways and habits of the past, thinking only about our Higher Self when we meditate and contemplate. Meanwhile, in real life, we are following the Hierarchy of Needs of our Lower Self. That means basically living and thinking most of the hours of the day exactly as always. What to eat, what to cook, with whom to talk on the phone, why our colleague talked to another colleague and not to us, who is the most beautiful at the party, what new shiny object to buy, or "how to show Shady she is wrong and I am right...". It is so easy to be lost in the same social conditioning even if you at the same time study Stoic Philosophy. In reality in the second case, it is even easier because you also have in the back of your mind the reassurance that conditioning is not controlling you because now you are studying Higher Things and you are evolving!

3 – Keep it (so so) simple

"Simple design and text are essential to an effective small business website" every marketeer will tell you. "An overly complicated website doesn’t convert. Too many page elements lead to website visitor confusion".

Exactly the same is for our destination in Life. You need to keep things simple. if you overanalyze your situation all the time and trying for every single small decision (even what to eat for breakfast) to seek advice from the last 100 books you read and decide what to cook next after visiting also your local astrologer you are going to complicate your life and your path so much that you will lose the actual meaning and perspective of what is meaningful and real. This happens from perfectionism which in its turn results from your fear of making mistakes and losing your path.

So, long story short, relax and get rid of perfectionism because you ARE going to make mistakes anyway. Just do not repeat the same mistake many times. Even in this last case again relax, this may happen as well.

Make things simple. Find what is working for you and do that. If someone suggests different things try them for fun and if you discover something better go for it - if not don't be so much eager to learn and use every single knowledge available out there. This will become an obstacle for you.

4 – Maintain action as the main ingredient

In order to evolve, you do not need to be a genius. Clearly state what you want and do it.

Use phrases like, “I will Subscribe to this newsletter,” “I will Book my reservation now” or “I will email them for a consultation today.” After you identify your path's structure, sketch out your action steps and maintain them - meaning just do them.

Many people are delaying to take action and procrastinate and later they find themselves feeling stuck or somehow that it is too late now. And they use this as an excuse to delay more. this is a trick of your mind to keep itself as the dominant power in your life.

5 – Make your Self Flexible by not taking things personally.

Did you know 90% of spiritual people take things personally and maintain a considerable Ego inside? Yes, that is true. After traveling worldwide and meeting thousands of spiritual people literally for 20+ years now, this is my personal experience.

And although to free oneself 100% from the ego is Illumination itself (it is not an easy task at all), to take things personally is a sign that you are losing the real spiritual perspective, which can become the biggest obstacle in your path actually.

If someone starts talking badly to you or with anger and other negative emotions, remember that they probably have things going on for them, and this has nothing to do with you really. Do not judge yourself or them and see it for what it is by detaching yourself from the situation.

Who knows what kind of issues torturing them they have inside? Why react?

Be sure that they also have problems to solve and you concentrate on your path. This is one of the most effective practices to follow. Otherwise, the surrounding world will hook you in everybody's story and interpretation, and you will arrive to become lost in thoughts, self monologue, and ego-reactions. This will take you far away from your correct path of life, away from your destination.

The finale: last tidbits on the obstacles on your path.

So there you have it… I hope these 5 tips on the obstacles that affect your spiritual path were clear and easy to understand. I hope and wish to you to erase them one by one from your life because you deserve way much more than you think and experience in your life. And if you think " no, I am perfectly fine I don't need anything more" just realize what this means!

About the Author

Northern Deer Alexander is the founder of The WOW Academy. When he is not working with his students, he enjoys leading shamanic journeys and meditation sessions, going for walks, traveling and meeting new people, engaging in energetic and physical training, reading books, and creating online courses on spirituality and personal development.

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